You can suspend your membership and come back later.

However please note that when you rejoin:

1. You will rejoin at the current membership rate for new members. This may be higher than the amount you are paying now. This is because we have to adjust the price periodically for inflation to cover our increased monthly running costs. If you keep your membership continuous, you will benefit from having your current rate frozen at what you are paying now.

2.  You will not be able to download your free monthly eBook if you suspend your membership. This means that the  comprehensive eLibrary that you would have got after 48 months of continuous membership will have some missing sections.

3.  If you cancel your membership for more than 3 months, we cannot guarantee your data will still be on our system when you return. This is because from time to time, we may need to make space available on our servers for our new students.

Our system was designed for continuous membership. If members continually stop and restart their membership, it becomes very difficult for us to meet our fixed monthly running expenses.

To suspend your subscription, you need to do it through FastSpring. 

Please carefully follow each of the steps below in order:

  1. Go to Mighty Networks and deactivate your account. In Mighty click your picture, choose Account, click Deactivate My Account. Note this does not stop the payment in FastSpring (a separate system), so you must do the following steps as well:
  2. Find the receipt you get from FastSpring each month for your monthly membership payment sent to your email address. 
  3. Click on the link Manage Your Orders
  4. Enter in your email address you used on your order and click on Continue.
  5. Go to your email inbox and look for an email from FastSpring
  6. In the email choose “Click here to manage your orders”. 
  7. Click on the Subscriptions tab, then click on Manage.
  8. Click on Pause Subscription

See also: how to cancel your subscription